Monday, 6 August 2012

Wallpapering, amongst other things

Is wallpapering a thing? I have a nasty feeling that it's a euphemism, and I'll now suddenly attract 4,000 views over night. Anyway.

I think I got a bit excited that what with the new blog, I can post other less professional stuff here, and with my avenues wide open with grand possibilities, I didn't do anything.

In the meantime, however, I started following She Reads Truth, which came at exactly the right time for me (i.e., when I was grousing that I wasn't reading my bible or praying enough, but not actually doing anything about it, typically). They have this thing, which is an awesome Sunday School throwback, of memorising bits of the bible, and to help, created phone lock-screens and wallpapers with the verses on, which  I know sounds lame, but they're not. Honest.   

It has now got to the point where I so enjoy having something worthwhile reading when I pick up my phone (invariably to google who the guy is on the television, or watch the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on youtube), that since they haven't done one yet, I've had to do one myself. Plus, it's a really good discipline trying to fit something attractive, with text, into a 480x800 pixel area. Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself.

Drink tea. Watch the Olympics. Think about God. Try not to think about how easily someone could die in most of those sports.

My photo
I'm a self-taught graphic designer, trying to work out how to make this thing called work, work. I've also got a degree in Art History and Film Studies, an interest, bordering on obsession with animation, strong views on typography, an enormous recipe file and a well used bible.