Friday, 11 February 2011

Picture Book Marathon: Day Eleven

A gritty expose into the truth about dinosaurs: robots, operated by rodents. Of course.

Really, this is a hideous insight into how my mind works. It went:
Google home page-Thomas Edison-Heath Robinson-(twenty minutes looking at Heath Robinson pictures)-Wikipedia front page-Albertosaurus (blame Wikipedia front page) and then some ransom clicking while thinking which suddenly amalgamated them. I also went through ideas about robot mice and robot ghost frogs. Robots were quite prevalent today.

The Albertosaurus was heavily inspired/copied by the Wikipedia reconstruction. I was intending to just be inspired by it, and before I knew, it had reappeared, filled with engineering mice.

I should also say, this is my dream book. I loved books about mice living in mansions in strange places when I was little, (and in all honesty, now too) and you'd be surprised just how many books there are in that genre.


  1. this is truly awesome...mice are behind the inner workings of Dinosaurs...who knew!

  2. Have you been to Dalemain House?

    Mrs Mouse is worth a visit - she lives in the back stairs:



My photo
I'm a self-taught graphic designer, trying to work out how to make this thing called work, work. I've also got a degree in Art History and Film Studies, an interest, bordering on obsession with animation, strong views on typography, an enormous recipe file and a well used bible.