Friday, 4 February 2011

Picture Book Marathon: Day Four

He's a rocking-horse who is also a time machine. This is, of course, the first in the series. I'm looking forward to RHTM: Ancient Rome Ahoy!

Day Eight Edit: I changed it. I'm sorry if you preferred the original, but the font was really upsetting me. This just works a lot better.

1 comment:

  1. He's rocking all over the worlds...but then he'd have to be able to slide through different dimensions created in the wake of his meddling with the space-time continuum


My photo
I'm a self-taught graphic designer, trying to work out how to make this thing called work, work. I've also got a degree in Art History and Film Studies, an interest, bordering on obsession with animation, strong views on typography, an enormous recipe file and a well used bible.