Thursday, 3 February 2011

Picture Book Marathon: Day Three

I'm imagining this is as a picture book with the emphasis on the 'picture'. He laughs, he cries, he's know the score. All very eductational.

I'll admit, this does double duty as a card for friends who had a baby this week whose name, Isaac, means 'he laughs'. It just seemed meant to be. That was until I discovered how hard babies are to draw. Then I wished that I was drawing dinosaurs again.

Thanks for all the comments. Right now, I'm seriously enjoying this, but it's nice to know that other people are reading too.

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I'm a self-taught graphic designer, trying to work out how to make this thing called work, work. I've also got a degree in Art History and Film Studies, an interest, bordering on obsession with animation, strong views on typography, an enormous recipe file and a well used bible.